Clean Living

Cleaning Lady or Cleaning Company

Many close friends and family members know that I only chose to register my business and really embrace the possibilities of growth for Clean Living after the vaccine mandate was implemented throughout certain parts of the country. It was in an effort to ensure sustainability and financial security for myself and my  family in the event my husband lost his job if his company followed suit on the vaccine mandate. 

A lot has changed for us since September of 2021 when I licensed Clean Living. Thankfully, as of the  writing of this blog, Kenny is still gainfully employed and I am now bursting at the seems with new clients and working on Clean Living full time! 

I’m no longer worried about my husband’s job and am now fully committed to Clean Living and the difference we’re making in our community one clean at a time – one job at a time.

Working as a 2-3 person team as opposed to a solo House Cleaner means we get things done 2-3 times faster than the average single cleaner. The misconception sometimes is that we charge more than a “Cleaning Person” would. This is simply not true. I’m continuously updating research on industry trends, wages, and costs to ensure that the rates we charge are at or below industry averages – while also ensuring our wages are at or above them. To build congruity in our business model, customers pay by the job, not by the hour. That has always been my business model and allows us the flexibility to offer consistent, affordable rates for our work based on current market demands. 

Working with a team also provides some safeguards in the event one of us needs time off as we can cover each other without the need to cancel and/or reschedule jobs. This means at Clean Living, we provide consistent results in our quality cleans and consistent results in reliability. We have each other’s backs, and if one of us does need a day off we have the flexibility to provide that while still ensuring our customer’s cleaning needs are met. 

We’re attempting to do something different with Clean Living by providing well paying jobs with flexible hours for people who want and need a safe work space to thrive in. I am selective about our employees in that they must have a sincere desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others.  I can teach cleaning. I cannot teach empathy, honesty, integrity and reliability. These qualities are all a must for anyone employed by Clean Living and my standards are high. Our customers are entrusting us in their personal sanctuaries and I do not take that responsibility lightly. 

I’m currently looking for 1-2 additional part-time Cleaning Technicians as we continue growing. Finding the perfect fit for these positions may take some time, but I am confident they are out there. The universe has a way of making sure it’s will is done with or without my help. 🙂

Meanwhile, I will continue working to formalize our processes and ensure our customer’s satisfaction with each and every clean, each and every time, while simultaneously differentiating ourselves as a reputable Cleaning Company by empowering and employing people in our community.